03 Dec Turn A Luxury Job Listing Into A Marketing Opportunity
There are so many marketing advantages luxury brands have in their playbook but rarely utilize or even realize are an option. Today we’re going to look at your next luxury job listing and how it can be used to not only find your next employee, but stand a chance to get some press and SEO value for your brand. I’ve got a few real world examples from the past couple of years to go over and see in action so you can fully understand just what I mean.
Before we go over luxury job listing marketing examples we’ll highlight the benefits to making a job go viral and all the perks that come with it. I love this strategy mainly because it allows you to be creative, and it takes something usually quite boring and mundane into a ploy that gets brand exposure as well hopefully the best candidates.
What you will need to start with is of course your job listing, and it needs to be exciting and very unique in order to work as a marketing stunt. The job can be real, however without naming names, I know that more than a few luxury brands have completely fabricated a job opening in order to gain press. That is something I won’t give my opinion on, however the old adage “any press is good press” will make people do crazy things for attention.
Luxury Job Listing Marketing Benefits
First things first, what are the benefits of trying to get my job listing in the news and talked about on job sites forums and blogs? I’ll breakdown the advantages and then we’ll get into the real world examples looking into viral success and SEO value that will go a long way against the competition.
Viral PR
If you create a luxury job listing that is just so incredible it makes the news agencies cover it you’re going to see your brand name plastered all over the right places. One of the examples we have below showcases the right way to do this and scores weeks worth of press coverage. This is also a very smart move if you’re a new luxury brand and are in need of a good PR push to help get that brand name in the minds of luxury consumers and talent.
SEO Value
The “trickle down” effect of good PR are the natural backlinks which are the most important search ranking factor in Google, especially if you’re in a competitive space. This is a great way to boost and pad those numbers from sources that are authoritative and trustworthy which is exactly what you want and need.
Luxury Job Listing Marketing Examples
I’ve got three real world examples of luxury job listings that went viral, got SEO value as well one that failed to do all that great. None of these luxury brands mentioned are clients of ours or ever have been as I wanted to have no bias or conflict when covering this topic. The goal here of course is to learn from them all and hopefully craft your next marketing move with little chance of failure.
Hush Hush World’s Best Job
Viral Success: So this job sounds like a dream come true and is definitely an attention grabbing headline which definitely paid off for Hush Hush. This is the kind of story the press loves to cover and once you hit a few different publications, it is bound to take on a life of its own and spread all over. This specific campaign did just that and then some netting several dozens of stories picked up in the press and blogs.
SEO Value: The most effective SEO tool in a luxury brands bag of tricks is their ability to drum up a lot of press. This translates to many opportunities at your fingertips for scoring and generating mass amounts of natural backlinks from high quality sources. This is the most valuable, in our opinion, bit of the SEO puzzle when it comes to ranking in highly competitive search sectors. This Hush Hush campaign managed to score a lot of press which means the backlinks flowed and it has one wonders for their Domain Authority(DA) and rankings in Google.
Now the backlink data used here is definitely not the most up to date depiction, none the less it certainly showcases a large amount of high quality backlinks achieved with this campaign. The only major downside to this is the majority of the “link juice” passed on here is going to their subpage for the job application. It isn’t ideal, however you can 301 redirect this page later to pass some of that on or just leave it as is. The year has seen a lot of organic growth for this relatively newer luxury market place thanks to their PR efforts.
Dubai Luxury Property Company Job
Viral Unsuccess: The job listing marketing campaign for Dubai Property For Sale UK was a smart attempt that for some reason didn’t pan out as they wanted. So why didn’t this attempt go through? After taking some time to look at the company website a few things struck me as odd, and perhaps contributed to the problem. First off, the real estate company doesn’t list any brokers or company owners, there’s no social media links and information in general about the company is sparse. Putting myself into a journalists shoes, I’d be wary about covering them as the job might come off as fake…alarm bells definitely went off in my head. Major publications, like CNBC and CNN in the last example are going to check over these things are are wary of “fake news” so to speak.
SEO Value: This campaign wasn’t a total failure as it did manage to get a mention in The Sun, but that is about it. From the below backlink analysis we notice the link isn’t showing up yet in our tools. We also note that The Sun didn’t quite trust them either and put on rel=”nofollow noopener noreferrer” to the link in the article to their job application page.
If we were on this marketing campaign it definitely would have gone a bit different. I also don’t know how they pitched journalists, and or how many they reached out in total. This is definitely a good example though as to make sure you have your companies information on display and look as legit as possible.
Luxury Dog Sitting Job London
Viral Success: This campaign really caught the eye of the press as those two adorable Golden Retrievers plus the chance to live in luxury was too good to resist. This example is not the most successful however, it managed to score enough press that if you were to pay for, would cost several thousand dollars. This is something I wanted to highlight because if you can manage to get at least five great articles written, that’s a major win. For this level of an agency, that will go a long way and the overall setup to do a PR campaign like this is very minimal and cost effective.
SEO Value: Since this is a fresh campaign within the recent month most backlink tools are not picking up the data needed, but that’s ok. I can see via Google they did decent and scored a few high value links to their landing page and root domain within the past month. I would also reckon that the newsletter signups and social media followers had a bit of an uptick as well which is just the icing on the cake.
As of today as well, this lavish job opening has been filled so all in all this campaign was a great success. Again with this campaign, I have no idea how they pitched this as well to how many journalists. I think they definitely could have done a bit better with more outreach, especially animal news websites and Reddit for bigger reach.
Want To Try Marketing Your Next Job Listing?
The examples above should have you already thinking about your next PR strategy although if you’re looking for help and inspiration, you know who to call. You have also now seen that it doesn’t take much to get fantastic PR success and SEO value. The costs involved with marketing a luxury job listing is really just time and a few hours with your developer to build the page and create any graphics needed.