20 Aug 5th Annual Luxury & Supercar Weekend in Vancouver
The Luxury & Supercar Weekend is taking place September 7th and 8th at the Vandusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, BC. It’s the biggest gathering of new luxury and supercars in Canada and marks the 5th year of the event (and the first one the Luxury Branded team will be attending!). The event will showcase new 2014 models from top car brands such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Bugatti and much more. Many vintage cars will make appearances, as well as concept, hybrid and modified cars. This year will expand to include the air and sea with luxury boats, yachts and helicopters. Surround the car show will be a series of dinners, parties and fashion events as well. It’s going to be a great weekend and we hope to meet some of you there!
For more info and tickets, please visit LuxurySupercar.com.